Announcements in the September 1st, 2022 Issue of the Akashi Newsletter

The Akashi Newsletter (Koho Akashi) is a newsletter published by Akashi City.
It releases on the 1st and the 15th of each month. There are many announcements in each issue of the Akashi Newsletter. We have selected three of the most important or useful announcements and translated them into English. 


Announcements in the September 1st, 2022 Issue

1.Autumn is the season of sawara (Spanish mackerel). Please taste it.

Sawara is a fish from the sea. We get a good catch of sawara in the sea in front of Akashi. Sawara hauled between the end of September and November is very tasty.
Please enjoy grilled sawara or its sashimi.

2.Prepare for natural disasters such as typhoon and earthquake to avoid difficulties.

Akashi City Government revised the “Hazard map” this year. A hazard map shows dangerous areas in the events of typhoon or earthquake.
The revised hazard map of Akashi City is delivered to the households in the city in May.
The map shows the shelters in the city, too. The shelters are a facility to which you evacuate in case of a disaster.
Check the “Hazard map” to find shelters near you and the routes to them.
When you check the “Hazard map”, do so with your family members and neighbors.
Be always prepared so that you can avoid difficulties when a typhoon or earthquake hits you.

There are three important points you need to keep in mind when you evacuate.
(1) You should evacuate before it gets dark.
(2) You should wear shoes easy for you to move and that don’t come off easily.
(3) You should evacuate with as many people as possible. If there is a person who has difficulties to walk, please help them.

Stock food and have implements and utensils ready.
Stock emergency food and water for 7 days provisions. Emergency food is food that can be stored for a long time.
Typical implements and utensils you need to prepare are “sanitation kit (“Keitai-toilet” in Japanese)”, “flashlight (“Kaicyu-dento” in Japanese)”, and “portable gas stove (“Kasetto-konro” in Japanese).”
“Keitai-toilet” is a bag shape one-time disposable toilet. “Kaicyu-dento” is a small electric torch that can be carried by a hand. “Kasetto-konro” is a small gas stove. This is portable, so you can use it anywhere you like.

If you have any question about this article, please contact to Local Area Disaster Prevention Section of Akashi City Comprehensive Safety Measures Bureau (Sogo Anzen Taisaku Shitsu, Chiiki Bosai Tanto).
Their telephone number is 918-5069, and their fax number is 918-5140.

3.Notifications about the Coronavirus vaccine.

(For the most current information, please check the Akashi City homepage.)

•Notification about the 4th Coronavirus vaccine.

 Anybody who meets the criteria for numbers 1, 2, 3, or 4 below may get their 4th vaccination:

  1. For anyone 60 years of age or older who received their 3rd vaccination 5 or more months ago:
  2. Anyone from 18 to 59 years of age who has an existing illness or a condition that would make their Coronavirus symptoms worse if they were infected.
  3. Anyone from 18 to 59 years of age who works in a hospital.
  4. Anyone from 18 to 59 years of age who works in a place that provides care for the elderly.

•Akashi City will send the ticket you need to receive the 4th vaccination.

•For anyone 60 years of age or older who received their 3rd vaccination 5 or more months ago:
Akashi City has already sent the ticket to anyone who received the 3rd vaccine by April 30.

•For anyone between 18 and 59 years of age who can receive the 4th vaccination, please make an application for a ticket.
Akashi City has already sent out application forms to anyone who is eligible to apply for a ticket.

•Notification about the 3rd Coronavirus Vaccine
Anyone 12 years of age or older who received the 2nd vaccination 5 or more months ago can receive their 3rd vaccination.
A vaccination ticket has already been sent to anyone who received their 2nd vaccination by April 30th.

•For anyone who doesn’t have a ticket but still wishes to receive the vaccine:
For those who have not received a ticket even Akashi City has already sent a ticket to them, have lost their ticket, or were born August 1st 2017 or later, please use one of the following 3 methods to receive your ticket:

  1. Call 0120-712-160
  2. Check the website for Coronavirus vaccine information and support at (
  3. Send an application to “Coronavirus Countermeasures Headquarters, Akashi City, Okubo-cho, Yurinoki-doori 1-4-7, postal code 674-0068”

*For more detailed information, please check the Akashi City homepage at (

*When applying using methods 1, 2, or 3 above, your ticket may take several days to arrive.
*Depending on the date of 2nd or 3rd vaccination, there may be a case that your ticket is not issued.

•You can make a reservation for your vaccination on the Akashi City homepage at (

•The phone numbers for vaccinations are as follows:
 For the 4th vaccination, 0120-227-710
 For the 3rd vaccination, 0120-080-404
 For the 1st or 2nd vaccination, 0120-712-160
•Operating hours for phone calls are from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
•The fax number is 0120-655-695

You can call Corona Sodan Dial (Coronavirus Consultation Dial) if you have concern about your fever or coughing or you do not know which hospital you should go.
The phone number is 918-5439. The fax number is 918-5441.
Operating hours for phone calls are from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.
If you are in an emergency from 6:00 pm. and 8:00 am., call 912-1111 or send fax to 918-5129.
